Fireside 2.1 ( Dream Big with Big Dreamers Blog Sat, 18 May 2024 17:00:00 -0400 Dream Big with Big Dreamers Blog en-us Diversity Unboxed: A Human Approach to Hiring with Tia Kleckner and LinkTech Sat, 18 May 2024 17:00:00 -0400 fca2277d-92de-4511-baf5-92cc11a90a5d In the latest episode of DREAM BIG With Big Dreamers, Donna Serdula interviews Tia Kleckner, co-founder of LinkTech, about their innovative approach to talent acquisition. LinkTech focuses on cognitive diversity, delving into candidates' unique stories and perspectives beyond traditional diversity metrics. Tia shares her inspiring personal background and how it shaped her views on diversity and inclusion. The episode highlights the importance of human connection in recruiting, offering practical advice for job seekers to stand out by celebrating their individuality. LinkTech's Diversity Unboxed initiative aims to create better matches between candidates and companies, fostering inclusive and dynamic workplaces. Introduction:

In the latest episode of DREAM BIG With Big Dreamers, host Donna Serdula engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Tia Kleckner, co-founder of LinkTech. This episode dives into how LinkTech is transforming the talent acquisition landscape by embracing cognitive diversity and focusing on the unique stories and perspectives of candidates.

The Mission of LinkTech:

LinkTech is a forward-thinking talent acquisition agency committed to building cognitively diverse workforces. Unlike traditional diversity hiring practices that often focus solely on race, gender, and ethnicity, LinkTech digs deeper to understand candidates' thought processes and perspectives. This holistic approach ensures that the right people are matched with the right roles, benefiting both candidates and companies.

Tia's Inspiring Background:

Tia Kleckner's diverse upbringing in Montana, with a mixed-race family, shaped her unique outlook on life and career. Her story is a testament to the power of diverse perspectives. Tia's maternal grandfather, a farmer from North Dakota, taught her resilience and a strong work ethic, while her paternal grandfather, a celebrated musician, instilled in her the values of perseverance and creativity. These experiences have deeply influenced Tia's approach to diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Diversity Unboxed: Beyond the Traditional Metrics:

LinkTech's Diversity Unboxed initiative challenges the conventional metrics of diversity hiring. Instead of placing candidates into predefined categories, LinkTech explores the deeper aspects of their identities and experiences. This approach not only fosters a more inclusive workplace but also drives innovation by bringing together varied perspectives and thought processes.

The Importance of a Human Connection:

In an era where AI and algorithms dominate the hiring process, LinkTech emphasizes the importance of human connection. Tia highlights the need for job seekers to celebrate their unique stories and skills, rather than relying solely on automated systems. By focusing on personal narratives, LinkTech ensures that candidates feel valued and companies find the right cultural fit.

Advice for Job Seekers:

Tia offers practical advice for job seekers navigating today's competitive job market. She emphasizes the importance of highlighting transferable skills and reading between the lines of job descriptions to stand out. Candidates should leverage AI for guidance but maintain their authentic voice and individuality to truly shine.


This episode of DREAM BIG With Big Dreamers is a must-listen for anyone interested in diversity hiring, career growth, and the future of talent acquisition. Tia Kleckner's insights and LinkTech's innovative approach provide a refreshing perspective on building inclusive and dynamic workforces.

Connect with LinkTech:

Visit their website:
Connect with Tia Kleckner on LinkedIn: Tia Kleckner's LinkedIn
Stay tuned for more inspiring conversations on DREAM BIG With Big Dreamers, and don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for the latest episodes.

Opportunity Champion, Lynn Miller: A Journey of Transformation Sat, 18 May 2024 14:00:00 -0400 a8005113-94fb-4f2a-8b33-797c744922a7 Lynn shares her journey from an opera singer to a co-author of the book 'Lead from Within' and the founder of a unique approach empowering people to tenfold their expertise. This episode of 'Dream Big with Big Dreamers' features an inspiring conversation with Lynn Ellen Miller of Straight Talk Writer LLC. Lynn shares her journey from an opera singer to a co-author of the book 'Lead from Within' and the founder of a unique approach empowering people to tenfold their expertise. The dialogue delves into the concept of being an 'Opportunity Champion,' highlighting the distinctions between hard work, talent, and the true essence of championing opportunities for growth and success. Through personal anecdotes and professional achievements, Lynn illustrates how discovering one's purpose and persistently seeking ways to support others can enrich lives and careers. Additionally, she discusses her method of helping individuals unearth their purposes, emphasizing the power of asking the right questions and the impact of storytelling in leadership and personal

Scott Mesh, Psychologist and Entrepreneur Thu, 11 Mar 2021 08:00:00 -0500 fb2e9233-e2b6-4d83-bb52-6ec1086e99e6 Scott Mesh spoke to us about creating a culture of excellence, filtering his business savvy through a lens of psychology and human behavior Scott Mesh was a fascinating guest. He is a business leader who is also a psychologist. Our conversation span numerous subjects and Scott left us really thinking about that intersection of business and psychology.

Carol Schmekel shares her wisdom and explains the benefits of working with others to improve ourselves Wed, 10 Mar 2021 08:00:00 -0500 9480d460-c77e-4f6a-9586-fb8b2c419367 Our second guest on the podcast was Carol Schmekel, an Executive Coach and Healthcare Consultant. Carol shares her wisdom and explains the benefits of working with others to improve ourselves. Carol was a lovely guest and we enjoyed our conversation with her:

Our First Guest, Craig Coffey and His Career Journey's 5 Themes Sun, 07 Mar 2021 08:00:00 -0500 d51dfd80-1baf-49e2-adfb-3a124bef0b42 Craig Coffey is an executive coach with a long and varied history of executive leadership behind him. His father carried Nixon's nuclear codes and today Craig is developing a book and potential movie all about his father's experiences.

Craig joins us to discuss the five big themes that guided him in his career:

  1. Know Yourself. Identify your foundation and avoid the trap of comparing yourself to others.
  2. Question everything. Craig gives us the 4 questions he asks himself that guided his career
  3. Play it big and don't shirk away from new opportunitites. It's all about overcoming limiting beliefs, trying new things, and the importance of getting out of our comfort zones.
  4. It is never too late. It is important to bring optimism and curiosity to every situation and the importance of being a lifetime learner.
  5. The importance of gratitude and humility. No one accomplishes anything alone.

It's time to dream big!

Introduction to our Podcast, Dream Big with Big Dreamers Sun, 07 Mar 2021 07:45:00 -0500 9adbea2c-fd24-48fd-b24e-729872049176 Another podcast to add to the millions out there, but there's a reason and a goal to what we are going to accomplish... I started my business back in 2009. Back then, our sole service offering was writing LinkedIn profiles for professionals. Our services and processes back then were quite different than they are today. Back then, I provided a single live session in which I talked to the client and furiously typed out the content into their LinkedIn profile. This worked out well when it was just me providing the service, but the strangest thing happened-- executives started to seek me out-- executives from all over the world. It got to the point where if I wanted to keep the business going, I would have to expand.

After much thought, I brought on two writers to help me (Dionne Carrick and Audra Hammer Ross), and I changed up our process. I created a fun but intensive branding questionnaire for clients to fill out. Once the client submitted the questionnaire, we scheduled an upfront interview to discuss their career, life, and future goals. The new process allowed us to write much more high-level and thoughtful profiles that showcased our clients and allowed them to see themselves in totally new ways. Clients would come back to me and say how much their lives change after their project with us. They were colliding with amazing opportunities, but they also felt better aligned to their real future (not the out-of-date one their brand had been clinging to), and they felt more confident in the value they offered the world.

It wasn't just their lives that changed from these sessions. I LOVED the interviews with these high-level professionals and executives. It was fascinating listening to their hopes and dreams, hearing their keys to success and the process they used to accomplish their desires. I found my own thinking starting to change, and as my thoughts changed, so did my life. Struggles that had kept me alone started to disintegrate, and I found my soulmate, got married, and had two children. I also began to realize that my team, our business, and I had so much more to offer, and we began to expand our branding services.

In the back of my mind, I always thought, "More people need to hear these interviews -- how can I harness the lessons, ideas, and insight from these conversations so others can hear it and blossom too?" The funny part is people used to tell me that I had a nice voice and I should start a podcast. I always dismissed it because I didn't think anyone would be interested in hearing me talk about LinkedIn for more than an hour.

Finally, in the summer months of the Covid Pandemic 2020, I began to think beyond LinkedIn. I realized that I could tap into my clients and other executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals and provide them a platform to tell their stories while helping people learn from their lessons and knowledge. I reached out to an old friend, Scott Kent Jones, and together we began to brainstorm ideas. I was a fan of his Give and Take podcast and loved his thoughtful questions and fearlessness in asking his guests deep questions that got to the root of who they were and why they do what they do. When he agreed to be my co-host, I knew we had something that had enormous potential.

What would be the name of our podcast? I remember, a few months before my father died in 2011, he said to me, "Donna, my biggest regret in life is that I didn't dream bigger." At that time, I didn't really understand the magnitude of what he was telling me. "Donna, dream big. The only thing that holds us back is our own thoughts and goals." I tucked that piece of advice in the back of my head and trudged forward. As the podcast concept began to take form in my mind, I kept thinking, "Dream Big... with our big dreaming guests... Dream Big with Big Dreamers!"

We interviewed our first two guests, Craig Coffey and Carol Schmekel, in October 2020. As the holidays loomed, coupled with the pandemic, we took a little time to really think about what we were trying to accomplish, and right after the new year of 2021, we hit the ground running. So far, as of this blog post, we've interviewed:

As we roll out these interviews, I hope our audience will get inspired and find keys to guide them to new and different ways of thinking and dreaming bigger.
